Date: 14 February 2025
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Rice and Will Pomroy as members of the UKEB’s Sustainability Working Group (SWG).
Dave Rice is a Director in the Department of Professional Practice at KPMG and Vice-Chair of KPMG’s Europe, Middle East and Africa ESG & Assurance Topic Team.
Will Pomroy joined Federated Hermes in 2015 and, in addition to overseeing and leading the engagement programme for the firm’s SDG Engagement Equity strategy, provides ESG analysis for, and engagement with, stocks in the firm’s small- and mid-cap strategies.
Both members bring their wealth of experience and insight to the SWG, which provides relevant and timely advice, context and evidence on UKEB projects to support the Secretariat’s work, including by helping to develop positions for the Board’s consideration.
Details of all the SWG members can be found on the UKEB website.