On 30 May 2024 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 – Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. The Amendments will be effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2026, with earlier application permitted.
The Amendments are a response to feedback received by the IASB in relation to:
In March 2023 the IASB published the exposure draft (ED) Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. The UKEB’s response to the ED was submitted in July 2023. Further details on the UKEB’s influencing project on this ED can be found on the project webpage.
The Amendments provide further clarification and requirements for:
The UKEB outreach plan included discussions with stakeholders and public consultation on the UKEB’s Draft Endorsement Assessment Criteria (DECA).
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On 26 September 2024, the UKEB published its draft Endorsement Criteria Assessment of the Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 – Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments. The public consultation period closed on 10 January 2025.
Thank you to all stakeholders that provided feedback.
The relevant documents are available at the end of this page:
Meeting(s) related to the endorsement of the Amendments are as follows: