UK Endorsement Board announces new Board appointments

Date: 21 March 2025

The UKEB Chair, Pauline Wallace, has today announced the appointment of four new Board members. The new appointments will support the ongoing strength and effectiveness of the Board as current member terms come to an end and the Board embarks on its next three-year strategy.

  • Mike Metcalf and Peter Reilly have been appointed for three-year terms, effective from 15 March.
  • Cynthia Alers and Mark Gregory have been appointed for three-year terms, effective from 1 September.
  • Liz Murrall and Giles Mullins stepped down from the Board on 14 March.
  • Katherine Coates and Robin Cohen will step down from the Board on 31 August.

The UKEB Chair, Pauline Wallace, said:

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mike Metcalf and Peter Reilly (effective 15 March) and Cynthia Alers and Mark Gregory (effective 1 September). They each bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, across different areas, which will support the Board’s ongoing focus on delivering effective outcomes for UK stakeholders.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude, and that of the Board, to Liz Murrall and Giles Mullins, who have recently stepped down from the Board, and Katherine Coates and Robin Cohen, who will step down in August. They have each played a key role in UKEB’s successful evolution from the initial March 2021 start-up to the effective organisation we are today.

I am confident that UKEB’s Board composition combines the right level of skills and experience to put the organisation in a strong position as our focus turns to our new 2025 – 2028 three-year strategy.”

Click for further detail of UKEB Board members.